AHF granti 2. Eiropas HIV testēšanas nedēļai
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European HIV Testing Week is fast approaching: 21-28 November 2014!
With the aim to put more emphasis on new HIV testing approaches, AHF Europe invites creative proposals that promote Community Based rapid HIV testing during European Testing Week, 21-28 November 2014.
The strategy of the AHF Europe within ETW 2014 is to encourage Community Based organizations to use the streamlined, rapid HIV testing model (RTP*) in practice helping people from hard-to-reach, high-risk populations to become aware of their HIV status, to be linked to medical care, thus prevent new HIV infections.
Please find a link to Dropbox folder where you can find:
1. call for proposal
2. application form
We are looking forward for your applications!!!!! Deadline: 30 September 2014